Q1: How Do You Define CX?
Great question! I define CX as every interaction that a #customer has with an organization. This includes marketing sales & service. One “bad” interaction can destroy all other “good”.
Every person and organization need to understand that CX is an infinite journey, there is no #destination. It is important to listen to the market all the time.
Q2: Why Should Sales Professionals Care About Customer Experience?
I believe that CX is the ONLY true differentiation for an organization – in the short term you may have a great product or service however in the long run CX will be drive success
Sales today is a game of re-establishing trust, it’s been broken for a long time. In the SaaS world we are #selling smaller deals to establish trust and have the “right” to be considered for the larger deal.
Q3: When Should The Sales Professional Follow Up With The Client?
A sales professional should be in constant #communication with your clients. This is not always possible and you need to respect your clients wishes for when an HOW to communicate.
The latest trend that I have been witnessing in the last year or so it texting with prospects and customers. If you are communicating via text you are in a winning position.
I have a #motto in my sales process – “Once a customer, always a customer” I still have interactions with customers from 5 years ago!
Q4: How Can Sales Professionals Prevent A Gap After A Sale In The Hand off To Implementation?
This is a HUGE #opportunity that is missed every day in the #customer Journey! This is an organizational shift that needs to be made because it is larger than an individual…
However, I would say that the sales person should do the following: 1) include the implementation team as soon as you can in the sales process – 2) create a “transition” document that is agreed by all.
There is a second gap “Opportunity” that occurs between implementation and support. I have written a hypothesis here:
Q5: How Do You Measure A Successful Transition From One Team To Another?
Is the customer deriving value, not churning and buying more from you! 1) include the implementation team as soon as you can in the sales process. 2) create a “transition” document that is agreed by all parties.
Q6: What Are Some Common Mistakes Sales Professionals Make With Existing Accounts?
The most important point here is that the sales professional needs to own the lifetime relationship with the customer. Your job is not done after the contract is signed!
Q7: How Should Sales Professionals Handle Current Client Issues?
Current customer issues need to be understood and handled based on the situation, do not jump to conclusions, try to gather as much information as possible and work to resolve as soon as possible. To further this answer, there is an organizational mindset that need to shift to ensure the right actions are being taken because issues will come up all the time.
Q8: When Should Sales Professionals Reach Out To A Lost Account?
Right away!! If you’re doing your job as a CX advocate then you would have known way before & tried to fix the challenges. This is#sales 101 – you have to establish a NO somewhere early in the cycle. It is human nature to push to boundaries.
Connect with Dale on Twitter @dzwizinski
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dalezwizinski/