Sales Hacker Twitter Chat With Gabe Villamizar

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Sales Hacker: Question 1 – What is your #1 must have prospecting tool?

Gabe Villamizar: NovaDotAi – It allows for email personalization. It automatically searches for peoples common things you have with them and it adds it into the email.

Sales Hacker: Question 2 – Do you spend more time calling, email, or knocking on doors? and Why?

Gabe Villamizar: Find out where your buyers spend most their time. What preferred method of communication they prefer. Communication with them there. Whatever it takes to get their attention and be top of mind and close deals.

Sales Hacker: Question 3 – Which platform is your favorite for starting a conversation with buyers?

Gabe Villamizar: LinkedIn and Twitter. It’s awesome. With LinkedIn, I have optimized my profile to be a thought leader. I’ve updated my profile with certain skills, with certian displays and keywords. I want my buyers to trust me and once they trust me, they’ll buy from me. Optimize your profile so that you can appeal to your buyer.

Sales Hacker: Question 4 – How should sales reps approach messaging when prospecting on Twitter and LinkedIn?

Gabe Villamizar: You need to know before you call, email or social sell your buyers. You need to know their pain points and processes. Find out as much as you can and add value and be visible. Jack Kosakowski taught me that. I hate it when someone calls me and asks me what my goals are. My life is so out there and you can see what I’m looking to accomplish. A good sales rep will identify what can help an organization.

Sales Hacker: Question 5 – How do you choose which accounts you’re going to prospect for the week?

Gabe Villamizar: We’re a huge in Account Based Marketing. We grabbed historical data and most the most ideal deals we’ve closed. What type of accounts did we close. Find the sweet spot and whom was the decision maker. You want to target them and choose the top 100 accounts. Choose at least 6 to 7 buyers depending on the company size. Bigger account = more people. We aren’t targeting all accounts but lets split them up and work on 20 accounts first.

Sales Hacker: Question 6 – Do you have set days where you only prospect on? and Why?

Gabe Villamizar: Every company and industry have different buyers, which have different online and offline behaviors. Having said that, I don’t believe there are “best days” & “times” that pertain to most buyers. Each rep should find that on their own!

Follow GABE @gabevillamizar